strange imaginary animals
Album Overview:
Release date: January 1, 2006
Label: Cedille Records
Duration: 72:00
Performers: Eighth Blackbird
2008 Grammy Award Winner:
Winner of Best Chamber Music Performance and album producer Judith Sherman received a Grammy Award for Producer of the Year, Classical.
Zaka, Jennifer Higdon
violence, Gordon Fitzell
Indigenous Instruments, Steven Mackey
Friction Systems, David M. Gordon
evanescence, Gordon Fitzell
strange imaginary remix, Dennis Desantis
Guitar picks strum a piano. Thimbles appear and strike strings. A clarinet wails wildly, a bass drum roars, ducks, seagulls, even delivery trucks are evoked. strange imaginary animals explores all of these sounds in pieces that stake their claim to their own unique sonic space. Featuring premiere recordings of Jennifer Higdon’s Zaka, David M. Gordon’s Friction Systems, and Gordon Fitzell’s violence and evanescence, also Steve Mackey’s Indigenous Instruments and a remix by composer/dj Dennis DeSantis.