Karalyn SCHUBRING: Excerptional Circumstances
Performers: Matt Albert and Yvonne Lam, violins
Excerptional Circumstances (2022)
Instrumentation: two violins
Duration: 7:00
Program note:
Every year, hundreds of extremely talented, high-level musicians will compete for one of very few job openings in symphony orchestras around the world. Auditions for these highly-coveted jobs consist of performing snippets of famous (or notoriously difficult) orchestral works, which are called excerpts. Using material from orchestral excerpts, Excerptional Circumstances explores what might happen if two violinists were mistakenly assigned the same practice space right before going onstage for a very high-stakes audition...
About Karalyn Schubring
Karalyn Schubring (b. 1999; BM ‘20 University of Michigan) is a composer, pianist, and educator based in Mesa, AZ. Her compositions often contain inspiration from nature imagery, improvisations, jazz-fusion-inspired grooves, musical games, and luxurious melodies. Her works have received recognitions from national organizations like MTNA, ACF, ACO, NPR’s From the Top, and ASCAP. Ever since a lightbulb inspiration moment in middle school, Karalyn has found tremendous joy and purpose in using her musical creativity to call forth the God-given creativity of her audience.
Visit karalynschubring.com for more information.